Our Nursery
Welcome to Our Early Years and Foundation Stage unit.
When you walk into our bright, open-plan Foundation Stage you will see a safe and exciting environment which inspires the children to explore and learn.
You will see happy, engaged and independent learners accessing the purposefully planned provision in a way that meets their individual needs.
You will see our skilled practitioners supporting children through high quality interactions that challenge thinking and extend learning.
Nursery Admissions
Children are eligible to start in our Nursery at the beginning of the term after their third birthday, dependent on availability. Parents will be able choose which sessions they would like their child to attend the Nursery but this is dependent on the availability of places. We will do our best to accommodate your choices. Admission to our Nursery (Foundation Stage 1) is arranged by the academy after completion of our application form, available from the academy office.
We will require you to bring your child's birth certificate and proof of address before admission to the academy.
If you are interested in being part of our Thrunscoe Family then do not hesitate to come in and speak to our friendly staff who will then put your child's name on the waiting list.
Nursery Sessions
All children are entitled to 15 hours FREE nursery education per week.
Available sessions are:
- Full time places (30 hours, if eligible): 5 full days per week (Full day = 2 sessions)
- Part time places (15 hours): 5 morning sessions per week or 5 afternoon sessions per week
- Flexi time - a mixture of sessions (AM/PM/Full days) throughout the week which when combined equal a total of 5 sessions per week (if the required places are available)
Application for Nursery
We offer 30 hour places in our Nursery
All children are entitled to 15 hours nursery education per week from the term after they turn 3 but we will be offering the opportunity to extend this up to an extra 15 hours per week if required.
30 hours FREE nursery education could be available if parents/carers are:
- in work - or getting parental leave, sick leave or annual leave
- each earning at least the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week - this is £125.28 if you’re over 25
30 hours FREE nursery education can be claimed at the same time as claiming Universal Credit, tax credits, childcare vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare.
Children who are attending for 30 hours will be supervised over lunchtime and will need to bring a packed lunch.
Parents/carers should enquire at the Academy office for more details.
We offer paid Nursery sessions
We offer additional paid nursery sessions provided outside of the following provision:
Working parents entitlement - this entitlement is available for working parents of children from the term after they turn nine months until they start school. Parents are entitled to 15 hours per week over 38 weeks of the year.
Universal entitlement for three and four year olds - all three and four year olds are eligible for this entitlement from the term after they turn three through to starting school. Parents are entitled to 15 hours per week over 38 weeks of the year and can be combined with the working parents entitlement to make up 30 hours.
The charges are £16.50 per nursery session. Sessions are 8.40am to 11.40am and 12.15pm to 3.15pm. If you choose to pay for the alternate session on the same day as one funded session (either AM or PM) then your child will stay with us over the dinner period and the day would run from 8.40am - 3.15pm. There would be no additional charge for the gap between 11.40am - 12.15pm in these circumstances.
Parents will book the required sessions prior to the start of each term on a term by term basis. For more information, please see the academy office or contact us on 01472 320781.