Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

At Thrunscoe Primary and Nursery Academy we...        

  • Guide our pupils towards becoming assured learners, ready to tackle any challenge they may face and to be thoughtful, respectful members of society instilling our academy ethos “Let children S.H.I.N.E” with values such as: Skills and knowledge, Honesty, Initiative, Never giving up and Empathy.
  • Aim to provide all pupils with an inclusive curriculum that is rich in vocabulary and well-chosen knowledge which promotes their development and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in our local area and beyond. 
  • Aim to use assessment for learning strategies daily to provide pupils with immediate feedback to ensure they reach their full potential. 
  • Aim to ensure children’s physical and mental wellbeing are valued; adopting a flexible/personalised approach to timetabling to ensure that we can meet and respond to all pupils' needs.
  • Aim to achieve a balanced approach to the curriculum with high expectations in all curriculum areas so pupils achieve well rounded, full and happy lives.

SEND and Accessibility

Teaching staff are proactive in the delivery of a differentiated curriculum to ensure that lessons can be accessed by all pupils and there are learning opportunities and resources available to support and stretch pupil’s knowledge and skills. Considerations may be given to the resources used, teaching delivery, tasks given, additional support required and expected outcomes. All pupils are encouraged to enjoy and participate in lessons regardless of race, culture, gender, ability or physical limitations. Our Curriculum Policy works in conjunction with our Accessibility Policy & Plan; making ‘reasonable adjustments’ for pupils with disabilities under the Equality Act 2010 (Please refer to our Accessibility Policy & Plan for further details) A mutual respect and tolerance for all cultures and abilities will be promoted and celebrated across the academy. (Please refer to our SEND policy for further details regarding our SEND provision)

Monster Phonics

At Thrunscoe, we understand that reading gives our pupils the very best opportunitiy to SHINE in all other subjects. 

Our pupils begin their journey to reading using the much loved 'Monster Phonics' scheme of work. This child-orientated, fun, synthetic phonics programme ensures that our children are taught at pace whilst being fully immersed in their learning. It is a DFE approved, multi-sensory scheme that enables children to learn to read and write from day one in the way that they learn best. 

Phonics is taught in reception, year 1 and year 2. At the end of year 1, all children take part in a statutory Phonics Screening Check. This is a list of 40 words, real and nonsense, containing a mixture of the sounds that the children have learnt in reception and year 1. The children are asked to read each word. The pass mark is subject to change but has been consistently 32/40 since it began in 2012. Where a child scores lower than 32 (or the pass mark), they will re-sit the test at the end of year 2. 

To ensure consistency and give our children the very best start, we also use the Monster Phonics reading scheme. The familiar but challenging books provide our pupils with reading materials that are in line with the phonics they are being taught in class as well as maintaining the engagement that we see in lessons. Equipping our children with these opportunities to practice and apply their newly acquired skills, at home and in school, supports our children to retain new knowledge quickly and make excellent progress. 

Curriculum Intent Statements

Long Term Planning Overview

Curriculum objectives: coverage and progression

Curriculum vocabulary: coverage and progression

Music Development Plan


Please access current study overviews via class pages.