At Thrunscoe Primary and Nursery Academy

we all follow one simple rule:





Not following instructions / shouting out / not walking quietly in corridors / distraction of others whilst they are learning / not raising hand when providing an answer



Using unkind words / using unkind actions / not paying attention during teaching and learning / refusal



Shouting out / distraction of others whilst they are learning / commenting negatively on others / talking at inappropriate times when it is time to learn



Physically / emotionally / bullying / harmful sexualised behaviour



Our N.I.C.E.R approach to behaviour management

To help clarify to children and parents / carers what we know to be negative behaviours, develop our pupils' understanding of cause and effect and help them to rectify negative behaviours in the future.

Negative Behaviour (intentional and harmful)



Escalation & Outcome

Required behaviour next time


Refer to Academy 'Behaviour Policy' in our policies section (Statutory Information) for greater detail.