Academy Run Clubs
We offer a range of out of hours clubs within the academy that change on a regular basis. Letters are sent home with children about the clubs that are open to their class.
We work closely in partnership with 'THE TRIN' to provide quality sports coaching for our pupils.
Our dedicated staff also provide a range of clubs throughout the year, based on pupil feedback ie LEGO, DANCE, BLOGGING, FOOTBALL, DODGEBALL, ART , CHOIR to name but a few.
After school Clee Kids Club
Our pupils have access to the Clee Kids Club: This club caters for children before and after school and during the school holidays. The club is based at St. Aidan’s Church with their staff picking up children from our academy. Bookings must be made in advance by telephoning 07483166895.
For more information please visit - CLEE KIDS CLUB CIC - Contact Us